Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sweet Valley and Nancy Drew

Sweet Valley And Nancy Drew

When I was in my secondary school. I was pretty much alone. Not much frans or any crush. Around me there were sparks of love and dating gog on. Sadly, this was not the case for me. To have my own dose of the love and a 'glamours life' I started reading Sweet Valley and Nancy Drew. These ladies had the punch and the glamour i so often wanted to be. They were my stars i wanted to know about them and follow their life's and adventure.

After so many years..as i was on my way home from work today, I saw this mini book sale. My eyes quickly caught the words Sweet Valley University! Suddenly all this crazy memories came in front of me, when i was a teen and hoping one day I would be like Nancy or the Wakefield twins.

Honestly, I could not help it I was drawn to the stall.

Though i felt a little old and a bit silly I knew it was something I need to relief my stress and re-live a small memory of my past.

It was a good bargain, 5 Books for $10.

I bought 2 Nancy Drew case files and 3 SVU Thriller addition !... indeed a rare find. I felt like the 16 yr old Annisha gog home frm visiting the rental bkstore thinking which bk to read first :)

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Make Up Fun !!

Make Up Crazy....
Being a gal I just love make up and its fun to try various colours !!
I kind of stick to Bobbi Brown as their products match my Indian skin tone.
Recently, I went for a 3 hr long Bobbi Brown Mauve look make up class. The session was conducted by their senior make up artist Suzanna. It was fun and informative. There were so many steps to applying make up. From face care to complete make up.... Seriously 3 hrs was just nice.

Other make up artist helped us through the session, since each person need different products to match our skin tone and skin type.

However by the end of the class I realise I do not need so much make up to look good.
I should go easy on the foundation and keep the rest of the eyes, lips blush more natural looking.

A touch here and there simply does the trick for me :)

My mini make up collection..hehe....

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Men's Best Friend

A few days ago, when my friend and I were at the junction waiting at the traffic we saw a dog trying to cross the road..
The dog kept walking carefully to the road and retreating back to the platform when i car came. The dog was not jaywalking, he was actually at the crossing lane but was not sure when he could cross the road.
I wanted to help the little fella but I was in my friend's car in a middle of the junction, not a convenient spot to get out.
The lights change and my friend drove away while i kept asking if the dog would get hurt.

After a short distance we both felt we should go back and look. So my friend went back to the junction and I frantically looked around for "our Dog".
He was not there.. oh no what happen ?
My friend pointed at the other side of the road. The dog was happily heading towards his female companion and no sign of him being hurt...

The little fella was smart and cross the road with no problem... Wow that's a smart dog.
My friend explained there is nothing much to worry coz dogs are very smart... they actually are capable of aiding blind people and this was probably his area so he would know his way around.

I took one last look at the dog as we drove pass him...
Never forgetting this little and heart warming incident..

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My FIrst Vegetarian Meal

What can I say, Im a meat eater who loves vegetables.
I could go vegetarian but singapore is just too wonderful in its endless variety of fooooood

I came across a vegetarian stall that my friends said was pretty good. They were right, it was great.. the mock meat was tasty. I did not miss not having meat but felt i could settle for this anytime.

Hope to frequent the place as much as i could as it is in Woodlands and Im living in the West.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hammie gal :)

yup i have got myself a hamster !!

Its been 4 mths since i gt him :)

Here is a pic of him :))

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

A new Template A new Start..

Its been long..
MY blog has been extinct but i decided its best to bring it alive...
There was always this nagging thought that i had just neglected my blog..
Its not that i have any regular readers its in myself
It was a task i took to have a blog.. and with continuous entries...one day i could read back
and think of the events i had wrote about.. However i just did not make the effort and so i was face with a conclusion to either shut down or start fresh
Looking through my few entries i just did not have the heart...
so i took this day and gave it a new look and a new promise
Hope to blog as much as possible
There are so many changes in my life and it wld be nice to blog about it
With that note once again a new chapter begins...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hamster treats for all !!!

Hamster treats for all !!

I found this cool websites that has a hamster competition.
Simply sign up participate in easy diif competitions and win hamster goodies !!...
Personally i found this website very nice read. And sheylara's hamsters were pretty cute.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Going "ga ga" over make up

Yes its true, I have to face it. Im crazy about make up. I tube for it, source out reviews, plan my next spend on a make up product and even advice my friends on make up tips. A few months ago i was not even wearing a mascara. well wat can i say hopefuly I don't over spend on it coz its pretty addictive.
I suppose Im just bored of my lifestyle. I dont do sports not a game geek. So i found make up a intresting way to express my creativity and style... hehe.. well have to see where it goes..